PLCP type Printing Jig is used when soldering CSP of fine pitch. They are both CSP which re-balling and or new one. The function is included of the PLCR re-balling Jig. However, when only the jig for printing is required, the PLCP type Jig for printing was prepared.

Solder printing are used of the printing mask unit, CSP holder and squeegee.
The printed CSP with the CSP Holder is reversed and it put on the base unit.
The base unit have the solder ball portion dent of the CSP, thus solder paste may not touch to the unit.
The base unit with the CSP can be setting on the SND-ADP parts supply unit.
The nozzle of the rework machine can be pick the CSP up at the the center from the Jig easily

Parts Supply Unit
 PLCP Printing Jig |